Thursday, 18 April 2013

Mrs Handbag talks Newsnight…

Feature by Monty Saul

11.30pm. Just back in from doing the night shift in the lambing sheds – only 12 girls still to produce, but 10 of our 120 new mums and babies needing their  evening fodder and water.
The end of the most gruelling lambing season ever is in sight, thank goodness.  We have seen many more dead lambs this year than ever before and we have both felt deeply demoralised. Roger usually does this evening duty, but tonight he did a dash to London, to appear live on ‘Newsnight’ with Jeremy Paxman. 

1. Roger Saul- Photograph by Darren Jack 2. Photograph by / 3. Lamb at Sharpham Park 
4. Landscape Photograph by Roy A Higgins

Roger having been ‘mauled’ by the terrifying Paxo years ago in Mulberry days,  I advised him against taking part – they wanted a debate on the state of English farming, but I am very proud to say that Roger added a very personal and realistic viewpoint.  The discussion was preceded by the saddest and most accurate piece of film of several different farmers – all struggling for survival. When will we the British Public consider the imbalance of what we are prepared to pay for a handbag, compared to what we are willing to pay for a carton of milk? Please support British Farmers whenever and however you can.

1. Sharpham Park view of the Glastonbury Tor  2. Boy feeding lamb by 3. Image via 4. Sharpham Park Farming 

Sorry to be such a misery.  We are blessed to have a life of extraordinary contrasts – on one hand the fun and frivolity of fashion at Kilver and on the other, the relentless grind that is farming.  I spent the afternoon on ‘Nana duty’ – showing Henry the animals (although he actually prefers the tractor)in our first bit of watery sunshine, knowing that he will grow up understanding how a farm works and where our food comes from. What a lucky boy.

1. Parsley Photograph by 2. Pears Photograph 3. Sharpham Park Pantry - Alex Gooch's Spelt Flatbread

Meanwhile, back at Kilver we are playing ‘beat the deadline’ again, by closing the much loved Harlequin CafĂ© for a week of intensive spring cleaning and general pampering….after five years service its time for a lick of paint and some general repair work.  Don’t Panic!! You can still find our yummy coffees, cakes and lunches down in the Sharpham Pantry alongside the new spelt waffles (unbelievably light and more-ish) and the spelt flatbreads….my fave is the pear, blue cheese and walnut which sounds so wrong but is completely right – if you get my drift?! Off to London tomorrow to watch Mark Hix’s spelt demo in Fortnum’s so another crazy mad week…more from me later in the week…
xxMrs Handbag (Monty)

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